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Have you ever been sitting in church listening to different people ask for money, and wonder: Why is this so hard? These are noble causes, and real life needs! Why does it seem so arduous to raise money?

A few years ago I found myself asking these questions. Why does it seem like we never have enough?

Out of that internal conversation, Kingdom Capital was birthed. Kingdom Capital exists to transform generations of brokenness into contagious wealth through developing and building real estate. We are, at the core, a business dedicated to making money for the advancement of the Kingdom.

Jesus was pretty clear in Matthew 25 about how we’re supposed to handle money. The story goes that a business man gave different amounts of money to a few employees, then came back to see what they did with his investment. Two of them doubled the money they were given through trade. The other hid what he received out of fear - feeling all the risk and believing none of the truth. The business man said “well done” to the two who doubled the investment, and scorned “the one”...

For years, I’ve given and invested, truly doing good with what God has given me. But now, more than ever, I realize He hasn’t given me anything - He’s invested in me. What if we dedicated not just 10% of our separate income,

but entire businesses to the Church? God is giving us an opportunity to do something bigger, more faithful, more “Kingdom”: Money is not for me. Money is made for trade.

Kingdom Capital is an organization of people who believe God is a good Father. A Father who only has plans to prosper you, to give you hope, and a future.

We believe in first giving 30-50% of profit to the collective Church body, second delivering healthy and reliable returns to our investors, and lastly providing for the key people who work in Kingdom Capital to make God’s principles a reality.

Building the Kingdom doesn’t only revolve around finances. Everywhere we look, there are opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. From a homeless man finding work at one of our job sites, to praying for a subcontractor because God told us to share something with them that shook their heart; we are God’s representatives on Earth. If we can’t show people the love of Jesus, who will?

I implore you. Invest into someone’s life today, and don’t ever let fear stop you. Utilize whatever God’s handed you, stewarding that investment well.

What choices will you make today, knowing your good Father has invested in you?

Best and be blessed.

-Rudi Pino

Welcome to


Have you ever been sitting in church listening to different people ask for money, and wonder: Why is this so hard? These are noble causes, and real life needs! Why does it seem so arduous to raise money?

A few years ago I found myself asking these questions. Why does it seem like we never have enough?

Out of that internal conversation, Kingdom Capital was birthed. Kingdom Capital exists to transform generations of brokenness into contagious wealth through developing and building real estate. We are, at the core, a business dedicated to making money for the advancement of the Kingdom.

Jesus was pretty clear in Matthew 25 about how we’re supposed to handle money. The story goes that a business man gave different amounts of money to a few employees, then came back to see what they did with his investment. Two of them doubled the money they were given through trade. The other hid what he received out of fear - feeling all the risk and believing none of the truth. The business man said “well done” to the two who doubled the investment, and scorned “the one”...

For years, I’ve given and invested, truly doing good with what God has given me. But now, more than ever, I realize He hasn’t given me anything - He’s invested in me. What if we dedicated not just 10% of our separate income,

but entire businesses to the Church? God is giving us an opportunity to do something bigger, more faithful, more “Kingdom”: Money is not for me. Money is made for trade.

Kingdom Capital is an organization of people who believe God is a good Father. A Father who only has plans to prosper you, to give you hope, and a future.

We believe in first giving 30-50% of profit to the collective Church body, second delivering healthy and reliable returns to our investors, and lastly providing for the key people who work in Kingdom Capital to make God’s principles a reality.

Building the Kingdom doesn’t only revolve around finances. Everywhere we look, there are opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. From a homeless man finding work at one of our job sites, to praying for a subcontractor because God told us to share something with them that shook their heart; we are God’s representatives on Earth. If we can’t show people the love of Jesus, who will?

I implore you. Invest into someone’s life today, and don’t ever let fear stop you. Utilize whatever God’s handed you, stewarding that investment well.

What choices will you make today, knowing your good Father has invested in you?

Best and be blessed.

-Rudi Pino


Kingdom Capital is an organization of people who believe God is a good Father. A Father who only has plans to prosper you, to give you hope, and a future. We are truly a group of brilliant, hardworking, sold out Christians who’s desire is to see people know the goodness of God through Jesus. His power is at work in us to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask, think, or imagine. God’s just looking for a few people who would dare to believe Him.


Being a Christian is all about preaching the Gospel (...and you don’t need words). Our vision is to build a business dedicated to doing what we preach which is to focus first on the people in need, then the project. To then dedicate our profits to outreach and church needs, as well as, yielding a return for our kingdom minded investors. 

As Christians, we regularly see our local churches asking for money to build the Church. But rarely do we find businesses that set aside the majority of their profits dedicated to building the Church. At Kingdom Capital we want to break this mold and bridge the gap between business and ministry. Whether we're doing business in real estate or doing ministry at church we place the same value on the people we’re serving. 

The fact of the matter is, we are too easily distracted and the Kingdom of God is at hand. We must do what we have with the little and we will be entrusted with much.

Rudi and Val


Kingdom Capital is an organization of people who believe God is a good Father. A Father who only has plans to prosper you, to give you hope, and a future. We are truly a group of brilliant, hardworking, sold out Christians who’s desire is to see people know the goodness of God through Jesus. His power is at work in us to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask, think, or imagine. God’s just looking for a few people who would dare to believe Him.

Being a Christian is all about preaching the Gospel (...and you don’t need words). Our vision is to build a business dedicated to doing what we preach which is to focus first on the people in need, then the project. To then dedicate our profits to outreach and church needs, as well as, yielding a return for our kingdom minded investors. 

As Christians, we regularly see our local churches asking for money to build the Church. But rarely do we find businesses that set aside the majority of their profits dedicated to impacting the local community. At Kingdom Capital we want to break this mold and bridge the gap between business and ministry. Whether we're doing business in real estate or doing ministry at church we place the same value on the people we’re serving. 

The fact of the matter is, we are too easily distracted and the Kingdom of God is at hand. We must do what we have with the little and we will be entrusted with much.


Rudi and Val

Kingdom Capitals

Kingdom Capital is a company that exists to transform generations of brokenness into contagious wealth through developing and building real estate.

In order to make the principles of God a reality, we believe that Kingdom Capital should first donate 30% of all its profits to collective charitable foundations, then provide healthy and sustainable yields to our investors, and to take care of the team that plays a role in this company.

We believe in win-win scenarios, because God would never give a blessing to one at the expense of another. Furthermore, if we focus first on His Kingdom and His Glory, everything else will be more than taken care of.


Kingdom Capitals


Kingdom Capital is a company that exists to transform generations of brokenness into contagious wealth through developing and building real estate.

In order to make the principles of God a reality, we believe that Kingdom Capital should first donate 30% of all its profits to collective charitable foundations, then provide healthy and sustainable yields to our investors, and to take care of the team that plays a role in this company.

We believe in win-win scenarios, because God would never give a blessing to one at the expense of another. Furthermore, if we focus first on His Kingdom and His Glory, everything else will be more than taken care of.


Sonship is knowing who you are in God's kingdom and understanding you are in right standing with Christ. Growing in character such that you become more substantial. It’s a Child to Maturity, an Orphan to a Son.

Hustle is pushing yourself to your limits and never giving up. Showing up every day. Choosing the right attitude. Putting in the work. Never be too afraid to fail - stay hungry enough to be great!

Pivot is a calculated shift in the direction guided by strategic anchors that reflect the vision. Sometimes you need to move swiftly in a totally different direction. All successful organizations do this at a high level.

Finish is seeing the vision, overcoming obstacles, and ending strong with every project. You have to finish the job and deliver on your guarantee. PERIOD.

Meet. The. Team.

We are family first, work second. We prioritize people first then their roles. We’re not just building houses, we’re building people. To create a space that people can grow in character and become more substantial in every part of their walk of life.

Rudi Pino

Val Peredereyev

Dasha Peredereyev

Sarah Zilinskaya

Robbie Wilbur

Diana Lupekha

Moses Savenok

Edgar Gomez

Jenny Yarmolyuk

Elizabeth Zaikin

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Project Officer

Interior Designer

Administrative Director

Acquisition Lead

Financial Director

Project Manager

Onsite Labor Specialist

Marketing Director

Marketing Administrator

Meet. The. Team.

We are family first, work second. We prioritize people first then their roles. We’re not just building houses, we’re building people. To create a space that people can grow in character and become more substantial in every part of their walk of life.

Val Peredereyev

Chief Executive Officer

Rudi Pino

Dasha Peredereyev

Chief Project Officer

Interior Designer

Administrative Director

Robbie Wilbur

Sarah Zilinskaya

Diana Lupekha

Moses Savenok

Acquisition Lead

Financial Director

Project Manager

Marketing Administrator

Marketing Director

Onsite Labor Specialist

Elizabeth Zaikin

Edgar Gomez

Jenny Yarmolyuk




As of December 2022, this home located in Camas Wa just got off the market. With 5 bedrooms and 4 baths, the home sold for $850k right in time for the new year. With just under 100 people touring this beautifully renovated home in the first week on market - Real estate agents credit the high traffic of visitors due to the outstanding must see remodel. This home is a testament of our team’s dedication to restoring and remodeling homes beautifully.


Located in NE Portland, OR this home only lasted 5 days on the market. Purchased at $450k, then sold at $950k after a 7 month renovation period. This home has four bedrooms and three full baths.  A true gem right in the heart of Portland.


A lovely 2 bedroom and 1 bath blue home in Portland, OR. This project went through a complete interior and exterior renovation.  From the siding and roof, to the interior layout and foundation! The whole home - and lot - was transformed to an open concept. This property was purchased at 300k and we yielded a profit of 100k.


From a $190k purchase to a $325k sale. This home located in Washougual, WA went from severely deteriorated to completely restored in just three short months. An additional living space was added to the property from the detached garage which further added value to the property. Only lasted on the market for a few days!



Right on 162nd Ave in Vancouver, WA is a beautiful gray home that was completely restored in just a few short months. This home went from a brown, distressed disaster to a spacious bright and pleasant place. Plans to build out a garage are in the works. In just a month, this home is scheduled to hit the market.




A custom built home located in SE Vancouver WA is moving along swiftly. From demo to foundation to framing, this home is only months away from completion.

Located right on Sherman St in South-East Portland OR is our Sherman Blue house. This home has been demo-ed and is ready for permitting. Plans to make this project into two alternative dwelling units. We are currently in the permitting stage.


Located on the corner of SE 12th ave and Sherman ST. in Portland OR, this duplex turn quadplex is a project we are strategically holding for cash flow as we work on the rest of our projects. With four units in this townhome, our bottom floor is used as a short term rental space such as airbnb while the top floors are rented out long term.



Right on SE 12th Ave in Portland, OR this plot of land is currently in demolition. Plans are on the rise for 6 units of new construction to be developed and built on this lot. We are poised and ready to go for construction!

Right in SW Portland is this three level structure built on the hills of the city. Demo has already ensued in this home - soon this home will be ready for renovation.


Partnering with us is more than just investing into a projects, but it is being the hands and feet of Jesus beyond our thoughts and prayers, putting our money where our mouth is.  We dedicate 30% of all profits  to charitable contributions, and yield a 15% APY to all investors on their returns. 

